Arab Israeli

Government blamed for inaction as Arab Israeli murder rate climbs

Leaders and civil society groups in the Arab sector have long accused the Israeli government of neglect amid a growing crime crisis.


For Arab schools in Israel, students struggle to master fundamental skills

Education affairs: ICEI and the Education Ministry’s Tamkin program looks to create equal opportunities.

UK grants Arab Israeli asylum due to 'well-founded fear' of 'apartheid'

The Arab Israeli claimed that Israel maintains an "apartheid system of racial control by its Jewish citizens over its Palestinian citizens."


Safety of Arab workers and women working night shifts is at risk during Ramadan

The consequences of fatigue are particularly evident in repetitive tasks without high cognitive demands lasting half an hour or more and complex tasks requiring concentration.

Gantz, Eisenkot present plan to include haredim, Arab-Israelis in military or national service

The presentation coincided with a hearing in the Supreme Court about the legality of the haredi exemption from IDF service.

Israel's municipal elections: Which vote will impact national politics?

A number of the municipal elections also have political ramifications on the national level. Here are a few to look out for.

Arab and Jewish students embrace diversity at University of Haifa

For more than 50 years, University of Haifa has been weaving a rich tapestry of diverse students who share the common goal of bettering themselves and Israel’s North.


Between trauma and integration: Today’s Druze-Israelis

Druze community members hope that the community can continue to strengthen with the State of Israel after the October 7 massacre.


Arab economic advisor: Smotrich’s Arab sector budget cut will cause collapse in Bedouin councils

“We need to stop these cuts because we are not speaking about trimming the fat – there is no fat to trim. These are not extra funds."

Jews and Arabs suffering from emotional distress since October 7

A joint study by the University of Haifa and Shalvata Mental Health Center shows that although Jews and Arabs are suffering from emotional distress, many cannot access psychological help

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